2021 Annual Dues News

Weatherstone West Homeowners Association

ATTENTION! ANNUAL DUES of $125 must be paid by May 31, 2021 – details below.
Hello homeowners! We hope you and your family are doing well. We have several important items to inform
you of, so please read through everything below and contact a board member if you have questions.

I. ANNUAL MEETING May 25th, 6:30 pm

Join us for our annual meeting on Tues. May 25th at 6:30 pm. To stay safe and healthy, we will gather
outdoors and wear masks, but will be also be live-streaming the meeting via our private Facebook group for
those who wish to attend remotely (see details in the ‘Stay Connected’ section).
If you choose to meet in-person, we will gather outdoors in our Treasurer’s, Pat Browning, backyard: 1511 NW
Weatherstone Ln. Be sure to bring a chair and be prepared to discuss some important items, including:
● Nominations & Approval for 2021-2022 officers
● Review and approve annual budget
● Selling of the property on the bend of Woodcreek Circle
● Announcements & Reminders
Email [email protected] or contact one of the board members if you need assistance.

The HOA is managed by homeowners who graciously volunteer to serve on the board of directors. A few of the
board members will be stepping down and we therefore are in need of volunteers to fill the roles of President
and Secretary. In order to assemble the best team, if you are willing to serve in any role, please send an email
to: [email protected] or contact one of the board members.
• President: Presides over annual mtg, holds regular Board mtgs, coordinates all business and requests of
the HOA, assists with planning and organizing all HOA activities.
• Vice-President: Serves in place of the President when needed, leads nominating committee for new
board each year, helps make decisions and assists with planning and organizing all HOA activities.
• Secretary: Sends annual letter, records meeting notes, maintains HOA website and Facebook account,
and communicates with homeowners via email and regular posts on social media. Helps make decisions
and assists with planning and organizing all HOA activities.
• Treasurer: Manages HOA finances, creates annual budget, collects annual dues, and pays HOA
expenses. Helps make decisions and assists with planning and organizing all HOA activities.
Full descriptions of each position and complete details of how the HOA and Board operate are available via
the bylaws link in the upper left of our HOA website: www.WeatherstoneWest.com

III. ANNUAL DUES $125 due by May 31st
The annual homeowner’s association fee for 2021 – 2022 will remain $125 per household. Fees must be paid by
May 31st to avoid a 10% late fee. If paying by check, it should be made payable to: WWHOA.
There are three methods by which to submit your dues:
1) MAIL: Send a check to: TREASURER – WWHOA, PO Box 125, Blue Springs, MO, 64013.
2) IN PERSON: check or cash to our Treasurer, Pat Browning at 1511 NW Weatherstone Lane
3) ONLINE: Pay via Credit, Debit, or PayPal on the website: www.WeatherstoneWest.com
Login, then select Pay Dues from the menu on the left.
To avoid a 10% late fee, and potentially a lien against your property (if over 90 days late), please submit your
payment of $125 before May 31st.

Thank you for making this such a beautiful, safe, attractive neighborhood. We have some new homeowners that
have moved in over the past year, please greet them! If you know of others who aren’t listed below – please let
the officers know and invite them to the annual meeting.
● Andy & Shelly Spiegal 1606 NW Weatherstone Ln
● Franko & Nakasha Witherspoon 1502 NW Weatherstone Lane
● Paul & Maria Gonzales 1508 NW 18th Street
● Brooke Fisher 1513 NW 18th Street
● Jay May 1613 NW 18th Street
● Trent Smith & Kailee Lembke 1408 NW Wildwood Dr.

If you don’t already have an account on our website, send your name and email address to:
[email protected]. Be sure to like our Facebook page in order to stay informed and
communicate with other homeowners. Additionally, if you have ideas and suggestions, or are willing to help
with the Homeowners Association, we’d love to hear from you!
● HOA Website: www.WeatherstoneWest.com where you can… View current board members & contact
info, View contact info for neighbors, Pay annual dues, Submit requests for approval when making
exterior changes, and View Bylaws & Rules (covenants & restrictions).
● Facebook page: www.facebook.com/WeatherstoneWestHOA Be sure to Like and Follow us in order to
connect with neighbors, stay up-to-date, and get details on upcoming activities & events.
● Private Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/weatherstonewesthoa where we can share
questions, comments, concerns, and photos with your neighbors.
o You must be a member of this group in order to attend the annual meeting virtually, which will
be accessible under the ‘Rooms’ section.

● Any exterior changes to your home or property require prior approval from the HOA Board.
Please submit a Request for Approval on the HOA website, including as much detail as possible.
Photos/images of colors and materials should be emailed to: [email protected]
● Per HOA rules, Vehicles and Trailers cannot be regularly parked on the street. This includes overnight
parking. Vehicles must be parked in the garage or driveway.
● Trailers cannot be parked in the driveway for more than 48 hrs.
● Please slow down and be careful. We have a number of children in the neighborhood who are playing
outside and crossing the street to get on and off the school bus.
● Many residents have requested using a single trash company for the entire neighborhood in an effort to
limit trash trucks multiple days of the week and to also consolidate the unappealing presence of waste
bins in front of homes to one single day per week. After much research (thank you, Pat Browning!), and
careful consideration, the HOA Board recommends all Weatherstone West Homeowners switch to
Constable. They offer trash, recycle, and yard waste bins at a competitive rate, with weekly service on
Thursdays. Pricing options, details, and sign up form are available at:
https://www.constablesanitation.com/weatherstonewest/ or call (816) 204-1192.

VII. Current Board Members
Thank you to the following residents who have served on the board for the past year. If you have any questions
or need assistance please email [email protected] or contact one of the board members.
• President Jayson Gray (816) 529-8210 1410 NW Weatherstone Lane
• Vice President Todd Pike (913) 213-7512 1406 NW Weatherstone Lane
• Secretary Lori Hendrix (816) 868-5783 1501 NW Foxridge Dr.
• Treasurer Pat Browning (816) 210-4111 1511 NW Weatherstone Lane
• Communications Amy Jacoby (816) 786-6832 1414 NW Woodcreek Cir.
Thank you for making our neighborhood a nice, friendly, and safe place to live.